7 tips for night feeding:a guide for difficult nights


As a new parent, you stand at the cradle of your little one in the middle of the night, tired but full of love. Night feedings are an inevitable part of parenthood, but sometimes present challenges that can drive you to despair. The lack of sleep, the search for the right approach, the desire to feed your baby as quietly as possible. We understand the struggles and are happy to provide some tips to help you navigate these nighttime adventures.

Every child is unique and your baby is no exception. One baby sleeps through the night, while the other seems to require attention every hour. It is a journey of discovery to understand your little one's needs. Unfortunately, there is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to night feeding. Every parent must find their own way in this process. But know that you are not alone; At Fedde&Kees we have collected a number of useful tips that can help you in your search for a quiet night. Read on quick!

1. Create a relaxed atmosphere

The environment is extremely important for night feeding. Avoid waking up wide and dim the lights. Use soft light as much as possible during night feeding. This not only promotes a calm environment, but also helps to stimulate natural melatonin production. This allows you and your little one to sleep better after feeding.

2. Timing is everything

Many breastfeeding mothers choose feeding on demand. That is a good method, where you of course keep an eye on whether your baby is getting enough nutrition. If you bottle feed, you have a little more control over the situation. It's smart to keep a consistent schedule for night feedings, but also be a little flexible. Try not to schedule feeding time too close to sleep time, but also not too far away. This way you will find a balance between sufficient nutrition and promoting a good night's sleep. And things will turn out differently for once. Don't panic, sometimes things just happen the way they do. Sometimes your baby may be hungry sooner or more than other times - that's completely normal!!

3. Breastfeeding: correct latch-on technique

Good latch technique is crucial for breastfeeding mothers. Not only for efficient feeding, but it can also help reduce baby discomfort and shorten the duration of feeding. Make sure you are sitting comfortably and that your baby has easy access to the breast. It is best for your baby's head, neck, shoulders and back to be aligned. You can support your baby with one arm, leaving the other arm free to support the breast. Touch your nipple to your baby's lips and if all goes well, he will open his mouth. If he doesn't, take advantage of the fact that young babies imitate facial expressions. Look at your baby and say 'open' while you open your mouth and stick out your tongue a little. There is a good chance that your baby will imitate you and latch on! ! 

4. Bottle feeding: choose the right teat

When bottle feeding, the choice of teat is very important. There are different types of teats on the market and the right choice can make feeding more efficient. Make sure you always choose a size that suits the age of your baby. There are also all kinds of other options. For example, a teat with a slower flow rate can help give the baby more control over feeding. It is a matter of trying and testing to find out which pacifier suits your baby best.

5. Dealing with nighttime crying

Sometimes it seems like your baby just doesn't want to sleep. Realize that your baby senses your unrest, so it is important that you remain calm in such a situation. That's easier said than done, but try to accept as much as possible that this is just the situation. Then try different methods to calm your baby. Sometimes a gentle touch, soothing sounds, singing a song or even a pacifier can work wonders. Comfort your baby and make him feel safe and secure.

6. Feeding together: partners can help

Parents who share care can do the night feeding together. Take turns so that you can both get some rest. One couple prefers to take care of the feedings all night, with the partner's turn the next night. The other couple prefers to take turns visiting the baby. Discover for yourself what works best for you and communicate clearly with each other. Also dare to ask for help when you get stressed! Together you will probably get the situation under control faster than on your own.

7. BUNDI sleeping bag makes it easy

If you swaddle it is possible BUNDI sleeping bag making night feeding a lot easier. The sleeping bag has zippers under the sleeves, which ensures that the arms stay close to the body. So your child can move normally, but cannot mow uncontrollably with his or her arms. This ensures peace in the crib and if your baby needs to be fed, you simply unzip the sleeves. Your baby can then immediately move freely before feeding. When you are ready, zip the sleeves again and put your baby back to bed. This is quick and effortless, so your child stays nice and sleepy and falls back asleep faster. And you too, by the way - ideal!

All the above tips are not hard rules, but rather friendly suggestions to support parents in the nighttime adventures. At Fedde&Kees we understand that every baby is unique and we encourage parents to follow their intuition and understand their little one's needs. Good luck!



Frederieke Meihuizen

Owner Fedde&Kees®

Ik ben Frederieke, getrouwd met Ewoud en mama van 4 kindjes. Na op veel plekken gewoond te hebben, ben ik gesetteld in Nieuwkoop. Ik werkte in de commercie tot mijn vierde kindje geboren werd. Fedde was een huilbaby en vanuit deze wanhoop heb ik de producten van Fedde&Kees bedacht. Ik gooide mijn leven om en begon met ondernemen. Sinds 2018 help ik andere ouders naar een betere slaap!