Want to buy Fedde&Kees second hand? Tips!


You can regularly find sheets and sleeping bags from Fedde&Kees on Vinted and Marktplaats. The products are of good quality and last a long time - provided they are used properly. It is therefore useful to pay close attention when making a second-hand purchase. In this article you can read useful tips and discover what you should pay attention to when you buy Fedde&Kees second-hand.

First it is good to realize why the products are offered second-hand. It NUNKI sheet can be used from day one until approximately 3 years. Yet you see that parents often change beds in those first 3 years, making the sheet for the crib or co-sleeper unnecessary. And sometimes the sheet is simply no longer necessary, because after a while the child has found peace in bed.

The operation of it BUNDI sleeping bag depends on the height of your baby. That is why we have 3 types of sleeping bags: from 0 to 4 months, from 4 to 8 months and from 8 to 12 months. If you buy the sleeping bag as it grows, it will have no effect. The sleeves should be tight to ensure that your child has just the right freedom of movement. This means that the sleeping bag will have to be replaced as your child grows.

Because of the high quality, the products last a long time, so we love to see parents reselling their sheets and sleeping bags so that even more babies can benefit from them.

Fedde&Kees prices

The advantage of buying second hand is that it is cheaper. Life has become a bit more expensive in the past year and we understand better than anyone that our products are not the cheapest. Raw materials have also become more expensive for us and we have not even fully passed this on to our prices. If you are curious about how our prices are determined, read the blog ‘This is how Fedde&Kees chooses sustainability'.

In short, Fedde&Kees opts for quality and sustainability and unfortunately that comes with a price tag. This company exists because I want to help people, not because I want to make a lot of money as quickly as possible. That is also sustainability in my view: not aiming for the short term, but striving for a better future. Reselling items fits nicely into that philosophy. This way we use fewer raw materials to help even more babies!

Are you going to buy second hand? The following tips can help you..

Tip 1: photo of the Velcro

If you buy a second-hand NUNKI sheet, always ask for a photo of the Velcro. Fluff and hair in the Velcro can affect its operation, especially at the small piece at the top that you use to tension the sheet. So always check whether the Velcro looks neat and whether there are no traces of wear or incorrect use..

Tip: the Velcro remains nice and good if you wash the sheet closed and let it air dry. The tumble dryer can have a negative effect on the Velcro.

Tip 2: detail photo of the zipper

The NUNKI sheet and BUNDI sleeping bags both work with a zipper. The zippers are of good quality and last a long time, provided they are used correctly. When purchasing second-hand, always ask for a photo of the zipper, so that you can assess whether all the teeth are still straight and there are no defects.

Tip 3: photo of the washing label

To avoid buying the wrong size, it is advisable to ask for a photo of the washing label. This label is incorporated into the product and, in addition to washing instructions, also contains the size of the product.

Tip: never buy BUNDI while it is growing! The effect of the sleeping bag is in the tight sleeves. If the sleeves are too big, the sleeping bag will not have the desired effect.

Tip 4: ask the seller these questions

Last but not least: it is wise to investigate how the products have been used. Of course, you never know whether you can trust someone's blue eyes (or nice advertisement), but we assume that Fedde&Kees buyers are honest people. So ask these questions:

  • How was it washed How warm Always wash the Velcro closedht?
  • Has the product been in the dryer??
  • How often and for how long have you used it  
  • Why are you selling this product?

Based on the answers to the above questions, you can better estimate the condition of the products. Due to the beautiful quality, the products last a long time, but after a number of years of intensive use, some wear and tear may of course occur. It is also important that the products are used, treated and washed correctly.

Now you know how you can safely buy a second-hand sheet or sleeping bag from Fedde&Kees! If you have any questions about our products, be sure to take a look at our extensive FAQ.



Frederieke Meihuizen

Owner Fedde&Kees®

Ik ben Frederieke, getrouwd met Ewoud en mama van 4 kindjes. Na op veel plekken gewoond te hebben, ben ik gesetteld in Nieuwkoop. Ik werkte in de commercie tot mijn vierde kindje geboren werd. Fedde was een huilbaby en vanuit deze wanhoop heb ik de producten van Fedde&Kees bedacht. Ik gooide mijn leven om en begon met ondernemen. Sinds 2018 help ik andere ouders naar een betere slaap!